Nato Medal
Full size replica from $60 court mounted. Miniature replica from $50 court mounted. Remounting of Original or replica + clean from $60 court mounted. Prices do not include clasps or MTI's. Further reading The NATO Medal has been awarded for service in Former Yugoslavia and Kososvo and more recently with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Design The NATO Medal is a bronze medal, 35 mm in diameter, bearing on the obverse the NATO emblem (a four-pointed star emitting a ray from each point superimposed on an annulet) enclosed in base by a wreath of olive. The reverse has a band inscribed ‘NATO’ at the top and ‘ORGANISATION DU TRAITE DE L’ATLANTIQUE NORD’ at the bottom. In the centre is a sprig of olive between the inscription ‘IN SERVICE OF PEACE AND FREEDOM’ above and ‘AU SERVICE DE LA PAIX ET DE LA LIBERTE’ below. Ribbon The ribbon for NATO service in Former Yugoslavia is NATO-blue with two white stripes at each edge. The ribbon for service in Kosovo is NATO-blue with one white stripe in the middle and one white stripe at each edge. The ribbon for service in Afghanistan with ISAF is NATO-blue with two white stripes with each white stripe having a centre stripe of silver. Clasps
Order of Wear Foreign Awards in order of date of authorisation of their acceptance and wearing. Further information can be found at Defence Honours and Awards Governor General Office Information sourced from the DHAM. |